Poetry is art in the form of words that conveys emotion, passion, and is the result of inspiration. All these things are what the Poetry Foundation emits as well. The different use of material, color, and space organization will bring inspiration to all those who visit the Poetry Foundation. As people enter the site, the paving begins incredibly wide and then narrows forcing people toward the main entrance. Overall, the Poetry Foundation caters to the public and how they would want to partake in the spaces offering several routes, while still maintaining a very controlled experience.
Located in Downtown Riverside
The first thing people will see is the public collection. This space is the largest as it takes up the entire public side of the first floor. As people enter, the form of the building does that same effect starting very narrow and then widening out on either side pushing people towards the open space. Towards the back, which holds the more private areas, is the research collection that is essentially connected to the public collection, yet separated by a glass wall for better privacy. The upper levels hold the gallery, cafe, performance space, and a rooftop.
Longitudinal Section

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