The purpose of this project is to be an outlet for meaningful voices and create a space that fosters creativity and community where users could not only work but also live. 
Located in New York City, New York

Being assigned a work type of "publishing house" also came with the responsibility of catering to specific users' needs. This includes designing a space that will keep users engaged and having a deeper empathetic understanding of how writers and authors work and live.

This project includes a cafe, a writer's studio, a yoga studio/gym, and several outdoor seating areas including a rooftop. These spaces were intentionally designed and chosen with the intent of creating a healthy lifestyle for writers and employees.

Although writers have trouble getting out of their homes or workplaces, writers are usually most inspired by other people, places, and experiences. Most publishing houses have very simple layouts and decor, yet they are very pleasing to the eye and inspire their writers by the details, intentional color, decor, and overall environment.
This project intends to create special moments throughout the building offering different ways to work whether that is the cafe, community lounges on every residential floor, the rooftop, or the balcony. 
Section Drawing and Model

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